El trabajo no termina para el dj y productor panameño TOM SAWYER que ahora lanza su nuevo tema de musica electronica TOM SAWYER - SOMEBODY en Beatport bajo Nervous Records ya este tema esta disponible para obtener en Beatport en el siguiente enlace...
I am new to building internet sites and I was wanting to know if having your blog title related to your articles and other content really that vital? I notice your title, "Blogger: ElectronicaPanama.com... La Electronica al 100% " does seem to be spot on with what your blog is about however, I prefer to keep my title less content descriptive and based more around site branding. Would you think this is a good idea or bad idea? Any help would be greatly valued.
cancion mas vieja la venia sonando de hace rato..pero manso groove
ResponderEliminargroove de la verga fren. todo ese cd vale una pinga pura shit music
ResponderEliminarI am new to building internet sites and I was wanting to
ResponderEliminarknow if having your blog title related to your articles and other content really that vital?
I notice your title, "Blogger: ElectronicaPanama.com... La Electronica al 100% " does seem to be spot on with what your blog is
about however, I prefer to keep my title less content descriptive and based more around site branding.
Would you think this is a good idea or bad idea?
Any help would be greatly valued.
My page: news